antCGi Club Member Area

Welcome to the antCGi Club Members Area, below you can find a quick and easy way to access some of your exclusive benefits.

You don’t need to be a channel member to get help and advice, there is a growing community waiting to help, so join now for free!

Head to the antCGi Community to join!

Remember that as an added bonus, antCGi Club members now get access to the Members Only area of the Discord server.

This gives you a direct line to me which will allow me to answer your questions, offer help and advice and anything else you would like to chat about.


If you are already a channel member, simply look for the #members-only channel in the Discord server but if you don’t see it, remember to connect your Discord account to YouTube!

antCGi Club members now gain access to the antCGi Rigging Toolkit, a new suite of tools currently being developed in my spare time, something which is possible because of your support.

These tools are being made with you in mind, so club members will get to help guide what they do and how they work.

Members Only


Members Only -

Remember to claim your 20% Discount at the antCGi Store and another 20% Discount off antCGi Merchandise!

Remember to also claim your exclusive antCGi Club badge!

 Now enjoy your members only videos…